See that picture below...allll that blue? That is the color in my world..hehehe...For those of you who take the weather man by his word...and plan around them..don' this morning...we had no clouds in the sky and the sun was out and shining:))) Nick and I even had our pancakes (with Hubbies syrup) out on the deck this was wonderful! And...while I am sitting here typing to you as fast as my hands will go, because I want to get back outside to work on my tan...I have to tell you this.....IT IS SO WONDERFUL TO BE HOME....HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHHEHEH
Sarah was so funny when we saw this moose...she says to be...Mamma...the people who make the signs in NB with the moose on them, they were right!! Moose ARE bigger then our cars!" lol
The picture above is of the moose after crossing in front of us...and going into the other side of the road......we had enough time to find my purse in the back of my for my camera....AND take allll these
We followed behind him in case he wanted to cross...I was scared since I heard that they would charge your car..and he didn't look scared of me at all!! He kept walking up the road...and once in a while took a little looky behind him to make sure I was still there.